Consultation With Hicks Coins
If you have a collection you are not looking to sell, I’m still happy to help. Whether you want an appraisal for insurance value, want to maximize the value of your collection, or any other reason, it makes sense to pay for a consultation.
Determine the value of your collection
Whether you want to know what you can expect to get for your collection when the time comes or you’re looking for a number on how much your collection should be insured for, I can help.
Determine what coins should be submitted for third-party grading
Oftentimes, coins can be worth far more when they are submitted to a third-party company to encapsulate and provide an opinion on the condition of the coin. I will determine what coins might be worth submitting in order to maximize the value of your collection.
Protect your coins
In addition to working for coin dealers, I also worked for one of the largest coin supply companies in the world. This gave me an in-depth knowledge on the best way to store coins to protect them for the future. Coins can become damaged from banging against each other, but also from being stored in old holders that are disintegrating onto the coin. Condition is everything in coins and Issues like this can make a thousand dollars turn to a hundred in seconds. I will holder your coins in preparation for future years.
Maximize profit in future years
Many coin dealers might have a blanket price they’ll pay for any one coin. I’ll take the time to catalog which coins are worth more and I’ll organize your collection in a way that will make it obvious when it comes time to sell the collection.
I can provide whatever service works for you!
If all you want is a number on the value, I’m happy to help. If you want a price associated with any coin, I’m also happy to help. If you want a museum-quality description of every item in the collection, I can do that as well!